How to Charge Batteries Using an Inverter Using Solar Panels?
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Here are the basics for those needing a refresher or are un privy to how solar panel energy collection works.
The solar panels collect photonic energy from the sun through collection cells which heat up, and the heat is then transferred into the circuit in the form of electricity.
This then passes through a controller and inverter system, then is stored in batteries or used by the homeowner or collection array operators.
The inverter takes the current from the panel and converts it into a storage-friendly form but also performs the vice versa process when using the batteries’ stored electricity.

In How Many Ways Can You Do it?
There will be many different sorts of setups, and inverters will be very important for those wishing to store power in batteries.
Some solar panel arrays are simply used to power the installation they are installed on, to which there will be no batteries or need for inverters (Solar powered light installations). Otherwise, an inverter can be used in two different ways.
First, the charge controller unit can convert power for battery storage only, a simplified setup.
The other setup will be the more common household setup, which will need an inverter to store the power.
But also convert the energy back into an AC current so that the homeowner can use the electricity for everyday applications or send the excess to the power grid at large.
How Does it Work?
The process is rather simple. As mentioned earlier, the panels will use the heat from the solar collection cells within the panel and create a current sent to the inverter.
This piece of equipment will then convert the energy into storable DC current for the batteries and then be able to convert it back into AC to be used elsewhere.
The simplest inverters will be able to send the power to the battery only. The next step up will help those that can also send a usable current to the home or area needing electricity.
Lastly, more complex inverters will be able to create a storable current and a usable current for immediate use or larger power grid applications.
Do you Need Special Tools to Set it Up?
Yes, there are going to be certain electricians tools that will be needed to check for current but also to perform wiring tasks to ensure a solid circuit.
In addition, there will be certain solar panel tools that will need to be specialized in order to get the most accurate readings from tests.
There will also be specialized battery storage tools, especially to ensure storage level readings are accurate or the inverter is working properly or is in sync with the batteries’ equipment.
Many of these can be rather expensive. Consider having experts check your installations to be certain about any readings or repair needs.
How Long Does it Take?
Powering up a Solar charge controller inverter will normally take a few minutes, depending on the amount of energy collected by the panel’s pre-start-up.
When it comes to completely charging the batteries, there will be variances depending on the side and brand, but most medium-sized battery setups will need nine hours to complete the charger (100W output).
A solar charging station operator can easily surmise that larger units will take longer, higher outputs will speed up the time, and the exact amount of time it takes to charge a system completely will differ from setup to set up.
When is the Best Day to Do it?
The best time of year to get a solar panel upgrade or set up installed will be during the dry and warmer seasons. This way, the crews can get a solid picture of where the sun travels in the sky and point the panels in the right direction.
Solar panels and battery storage areas need to be in low-humidity environments, away from the effects of the outside weather or other natural elements that could harm the system or the circuit wiring.
To which the drier seasons will be the optimal times for the work to be completed.
Final Thoughts on How to Charge Batteries using an Inverter using Solar Panels
When it comes to the equipment needs of the classic solar panel collection system, there will be a variety of different pieces you can use.
The controller units with the built-in inverter technology can be used for household setups but also for business and other building powering applications.
The versatility of the controller and inverter unit will determine the abilities of the system and what can be realistically achieved with the panels and setup.
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